
To ensure our safety and to smooth the way for our meeting, please read through the following information carefully.

  • For all bookings, I require a 30% deposit of the total booking fee to reserve our time together.
    Any prepayment made prior to a booking will be counted as a deposit, even if it exceeds 30% of the total booking fee.
    Deposits will be refunded (or a booking rescheduled) with at least 72 hours’ notice of cancellation.
    Demonstrated unsafe behaviour (such as manipulation or intimidation) prior to a booking will result in an immediate cancellation and loss of deposit.
  • If we are meeting for the first time, I require a copy of your driver’s license.
    The only ID information necessary is your license number and face photo.
    I will verify this information upon meeting you.
    You may black/blur out any other details you may wish to keep private.
    NB: If you do not have a driver’s license, don’t worry. We can figure something out.
  • Travel to locations further than 20km from Melbourne CBD will incur an additional $50 fee. This fee may be contingent upon the scope of the distance.
  • Miscellaneous expenses (such as dinner, accommodation, etc.) are to be covered by you. Essentials will always be provided by me.
  • All services are ultimately at my discretion.

For our time together to be fulfilling, we need to have mutual trust, mutual respect, and clear communication. This will ensure we meet as equals in our intentions and know what to expect from each other.

  • Your willing adherence to the requirements and acceptance of the conditions above demonstrates trust in me. I will treat your privacy as a priority and with discretion, extending to you that same trust.
  • Respect is earned, not given. However, there is a base level respect we should all accord one another as human beings. I will unfailingly be respectful of you as an individual with agency, intelligence and emotion. I expect the same in return.
  • I always respond to polite and coherent communication with pleasure and in kind!
    Ambiguous or vulgar language is unlikely to engender a response from me.